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Captain Morgan Black Jamaica Rum 1 Litre

Captain Morgan Jamaica Black Rum is a premium blend crafted from five distinctive rum marques sourced across three Caribbean countries, bringing an authentic richness to every drop. This bold, full-bodied rum delivers a deep, intense colour and layered notes of caramel and vanilla, perfect for rum enthusiasts seeking a taste of true Caribbean adventure. Whether sipped straight or mixed, Jamaica Black Rum is made to elevate any gathering with the crew.

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold 1 Litre

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold is expertly aged in charred white oak barrels, it brings together rich notes of vanilla, brown sugar, dried fruit, and warming spices, balanced with subtle hints of oak. This perfectly balanced spirit boasts a colour as rich as gold doubloons and a taste that's smooth to the finish. Made to mix beautifully with cola, Original Spiced Gold is the ideal choice for those seeking a refreshing, adventurous twist.

Coruba Gold Barrel Aged Rum 1 Litre

100% Jamaican made in the modern rum style with it's golden colour due to ageing in small oak barrels. Smooth and mellow with a full body, you'll notice the flavours of brown sugar, nutmeg and vanilla.

Coruba Original Barrel Aged Rum 1 Litre

Coruba Original is a full bodied rum with a robust flavour and hints of spices. It has a smooth, mellow finish accompanied with the aroma's and flavours of molasses, cocoa and caramel.

Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva 700ml

One of the world's favourite premium sipping rums. It boasts a signature smoothness and an outstanding balance, making it a multi-award-winning rum. A refined and elegant blend of exclusive rum reserves masterfully crafted. It boasts aromas of orange peel, toffee and liquorice, giving this refined rum a signature smooth taste. Marrying a unique body with excellent balance, this rum is a true reference for fine spirits lovers throughout the world.

Kraken Black Spiced Rum 700ml

As it is told, The Kraken Rum is an imported rum from the Caribbean blended with secret spices. Named for the sea beast of myth and legend, The Kraken is strong, rich, black and smooth. It is said that a ship carrying one of the largest quantities of black spiced rum ever to be brought over from the Caribbean islands, for unexplained reasons, never reached its destination.

Malibu Original Coconut Rum Liqueur 1 Litre

Nothing beats an original, and Malibu is not only an original, it is the world's best-selling Caribbean rum with natural coconut flavour. The taste of Malibu is sunshine in a bottle - smooth, fresh coconut flavour with a sweet finish - perfect for bringing the sun-kissed island to anytime.

Malibu Original Coconut Rum Liqueur 700ml

Nothing beats an original, and Malibu is not only an original, it is the world's best-selling Caribbean rum with natural coconut flavour. The taste is sunshine in a bottle - smooth, fresh coconut flavour with a sweet finish - perfect for bringing the sun-kissed island to anytime.

Malibu Watermelon Liqueur 700ml

Introducing the newest addition to the Malibu range - Malibu Watermelon! White Rum blended with the ripe, juice and refreshing taste of Watermelon flavour and a smooth fruity finish, Malibu Watermelon is made for summer! For chilled moments with friends, simply add soda and share, or stir things up with a Malibu Watermelon Mojito.

Mount Gay Black Barrel Rum 50ml

Mount Gay is the oldest rum in the world, with 310 years of artisanal rum making expertise. Fermentation, distillation, aging and blending all take place in Barbados. Barbados naturally coral-filtered spring water is unique to Mount Gay Rum. Mount Gay's signature style is aging and blending single and double distilled rums. Black barrel is a blend of aged rums matured a second time in charred borbon oak barrels.

Mount Gay Eclipse Gold Rum 1 Litre

One of New Zealand's most popular golden rums. This hand crafted golden rum is aged in toasted Kentucky oak barrels which impart a subtle smokiness. Aroma is distinctive with floral and fruity notes of apricot and banana.

Old Monk Rum 750ml

Its a classic 7 yr blended dark rum. With the first drop of Old Monk Rum, the sheer aroma of distilled cane sugar grown in lush green fields of India, stirs up the age old legend. Old Monk Rum is a form of the legendary 'Som-ras' of India's centuries old scriptures. The Drink of Gods and Lords of India.
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